Friday, September 20, 2013

Ice Cream Muffins

When I first came across this recipe this past summer, I thought there is no way. Well I was wrong. This was super simple. There are only three things; you need to know to make this successful:

1.    Use good quality ice cream that is high in eggs or cream, such as Ben and Jerry’s

2.    The ice cream has to be almost completely melted, to make sure it mixes well with the flour

3.    Yes, you do have to sift the flour, if you want muffins. If you don’t sift you will end up with a heavy dense product that will be more like a scone.

Most recipes I found for the muffins all stated “you only need two ingredients.” That is fine if you happen to have self-rising flour lying around. Which I don’t.

So to truly make this a simple recipe you can use with what you have at home, I used all-purpose flour, added the baking powder and salt to it.



1 cup all-purpose flour

1 ½  tsp baking powder

½  tsp salt

1 pint Ben and Jerry’s ice cream



Preheat oven to 400°F

Remove ice cream from container and place in a bowl, allow to soften. I set my bowl on the stovetop while the oven was heating.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together

When ice cream is soften (almost milk shake consistency) combine with flour. You can actually mix this together with a whisk or wood spoon.

Ladle mix into muffin pan that has paper-liners. I was able to get nine muffins using a 1/3 cup measuring cup.

Cook for 15-20 mins. Remove from oven and allow to cool before serving.


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