Monday, March 4, 2013

Belgian Carrots…

So I tried something new for a side dish last night and have debated about putting it up here. We are not real big carrot eaters as a side dish. I had some baby carrots I was going to pickle, that I had to use before they went bad.
 I did not go looking for a carrot recipe; I went looking for recipes from Belgium. After some research, I still cannot tell you if this recipe actually comes from Belgium or is just a part of the name. Maybe somebody out there can help clarify this.
 My cooked carrot eater loved these; my raw carrot eater tried them and did not. I liked them; my husband touched a carrot to his tongue and said, “Nope sorry can’t do it.” I threatened no sherbet for his dessert if he didn’t try it. The kids and I sure did enjoy our sherbet last night!
The carrots are sweet, in cream and butter with nutmeg. The recipes I saw called for sugar. I left that out since I didn’t have any cream and used evaporated milk. In addition, cooked carrots are sweet by themselves, and to be honest the dish was sweet.