Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Are you in the Holiday 37%

With the holidays come high fat, high calorie foods. Weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s on average is between one to ten pounds. According to survey, published in 2011, Consumer Reports asked what Americans dreaded the most about the holidays; at 37%, weight gain tied for second, along with going into debt.
The holiday spread does not need to happen, if you are careful about what you chose to eat. Instead of loading your plate with heaping portions of everything, try a small spoonful of your favorites. Drink water instead of wine or other spirits. Save the wine for the toast at dinner or midnight. Prefer soda; try a diet version or less sugar/calorie version like Pepsi One.
 Studies have shown if you drink a glass of water before your meal, you will consume less food. Did you know it takes 20 minutes for your brain to realize it is full? No wonder we all over eat! If you drink a glass of water before you hit the buffet line, this will give your brain time to realize you are not as hungry as you think. Slow down, chew slowly, and engage in the conversation around you, thus giving your brain and stomach time to chat with each other.  
Most importantly, listen to your body; you do not have to be a part of the clean plate club. It is ok to leave food on your plate, that is why everyone asks for doggie bags when they go out to a restaurant.
 Yes, you can have dessert, with small portions and smart choices. I know for me personally, I just want a taste of something sweet. Just a fork or spoonful, cures my sweets tooth.
The recipe I am giving you today, nobody will ever know it is low fat unless you tell. My friend Cheryl has had this recipe for over twenty years. I cannot stand peanut butter, but I love this. You can of course make it full fat, but you do not need too. So what does this taste like? Peanut butter mousse.
Peanut Butter Fluff
Graham crackers (if you can find the low fat ones even better) enough to line a 9” X 13” pan (about six full crackers)
16 ounces Sugar Free Cool-Whip
2 cup low or nonfat milk
¾ cup peanut butter
1 6 ounce box sugar free Vanilla Jell-O brand pudding
Line a 9” X 13” pan with graham crackers.
In a large bowl, mix milk and peanut butter until smooth.
Add pudding to the mix; beat for one minute.
Fold in ¾ of Cool Whip.
Spread mixture evenly on graham crackers.
Spread remaining Cool Whip on top and refrigerate one hour.